اثاثہ – سیماغزل کی نظم

Ms. Seema Ghazal is a native of Pakistan’s Karachi. Due to her literary background, she has been writing since she was a young child. She has produced countless works of fiction and short stories. She also wrote plays for television and novels. Her debut collection of poetry, which was published in 2013, has garnered a lot of praise from the literary community, for which she also got the Aks e Khushbu Award. In 2015, her second book of poetry was published.

یہ بھی دیکھیں

اچھے دنوں کی یاد باقی ہے – صفدر سلیم سیال کی نظم

غم کرتے ہیں خوش ہوتے ہیں – قاسم یعقوب کی نظم

لاوطنی کا عفریت – نصیراحمدناصر کی نظم

جواب دیں

آپ کا ای میل ایڈریس شائع نہیں کیا جائے گا۔ ضروری خانوں کو * سے نشان زد کیا گیا ہے

برائے مہربانی شئیر کا آپشن استعمال کیجیے